Tuesday, 29 April 2014

A Little Piercing

I finally found the time and money to hop on the nose piercing bandwagon, horray!
I love it, from the minute I saw it I was so pleased I did it - it didn't look different, it looked like i'd always had it pierced, which is kind of surreal but also great news for me as I didn't think it would suit me.
It was a lovely sunny Thursday when me and Lauren popped to the Corn Exchange to get it done. I also purchased these shades from Blue Rinse the same day, Lauren then purchased them about an hour later - great buy. 

I was umm'ing and ahh'ing about getting this done for a while as I knew none of my family would approve - not as much as they disapproved my tongue bar anyway!!  My mother actually liked it as it's tiny and can barely see it however I received a disappointing reply from my dad and the rest of my family just didn't bring it up. I decided to get it pierced as even though they may dislike the idea that I have a 'hole in my face', it's not their body and besides I barely see them when i'm living away at uni anyway.

I can't wait till I can change it, I want to buy a cute etsy stud or just a plain ring, maybe even both. The only bad thing is that I keep fiddling with it which sometime looks like i'm picking my nose (opppps)

Sunday, 6 April 2014

The Spring/Summer Backpack: Want List #3

The Backpack


I have fallen in love with so many backpack recently, I only actually own one - this need to change. Backpack are so easy to wear, stuff everything in them and just throw them over your shoulder and thats that, perfect on a spring/summers day (whenever the sun arrives) to pack your camera and picnic in for a bike ride. I say it's that easy but I always get paranoid when wearing one, incase someone pickpockets without me realising.
There is a small pale pink frilled backpack I fell in love with in Topshop the other day, which sadly isn't on this post as it isn't actually on the website. Other backpacks I really like at the moment are, The New Look Backpack in Want List #1Pull & Bear Patchwork Tan Back Pack and Bowery Mini Backpack from Gypsy Warrior (which I just forgot to put on this mood board, opppsie)

On either side of the mood board are two beautiful backpacks from Free People, who sell luxury and fabulous gypsy/boho hippy chic style clothes and accessories. I love both of these backpacks, I really wish I had the money to buy the leather one, however at £398.00 - I'll probably give it a miss. 
I put the Hershel bag on the mood board for a bit of a joke. David actually has the bigger version of this style and when we saw it in Urban Outfitters yesterday we hilariously both stood next to each other with them on, twinnies! 
I don't think I can pick a favourite out of all of these bags because they are all so different, however when loan day comes along (only a couple more weeks away now). I definitely think that the Pale Pink backpack will make an appearance in my Topshop basket or at least one of these.

Which one is your favourite?