Once received the award you can choose whether to take part and then do the following:
1) Nominate up to 15 bloggers who are relatively new to blogging.
2) Let the nominated bloggers know that they have been nominated for this award.
3) Share 7 random facts about yourself.
4) Thank the blogger who as nominated you.
5) Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your post
So lets get started, below are 7 random facts about myself:1. I don't own a pair of jeans!!2. I am studying Accounting and Finance3. I crack my knuckles, back and neck4. I love photography, got an A at A-level (woo)5. I like to make my own cards6. I have passed my driving test but don't own a car7. I was bullied at school (it's only made me stronger, hehe)
I Nominate the following:
- Abigail from Cats Eating Cake
- Becky from What Rebecca Rose Knows
- Megan from Talking About M
Thank you for nominating me lovely! xo