Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Sugar and Style Introduction

Sugar and Style Wishlist

A while back, in March I (Charlotte) first mentioned China Doll Boutique. I actually did an outfit post for a competition they were holding, with the help of Tori we came up with this... I unfortunately didn't win, boo.
Here are a couple of our favourite items that we love from there current collection, our favourites are 1 and 4!

Since launching in September 2011 this up and coming London-based company have been featured in magazines such as Now, Glamour, Closer and even Vogue, just to name a few, and since March they have re-branded themselves, Sugar + Style!

We asked Nhuc Tran, the founder of Sugar + Style a couple of questions to give us more of an insight into what's been going on behind the scenes:

Tell us more about China Doll Boutique Sugar + Style (who are you and what do you love)?
Sugar + Style is an online boutique set up by myself Nhuc Tran. I started the company just under 2 years ago, before that I had my own fashion and beauty blog (China Doll Diary) and was working freelance for another fashion label. I'm very much a girly girl and I think that reflects a lot in the collection and in the way I run the business.

You've recently changed name to Sugar + Style, what made you change the name?
We made the change from China Doll Boutique to Sugar + Style in June 2013. I thought it was a good time to revamp the branding of the site - I'm always keen to reinvent ourselves and row and I felt there was only so far I could go with the name China Doll Boutique.

Where did the company start off? What made you want to open your own shop?
I set the company up in September 2011, at the time I was working for a few other small fashion labels, building their profile and launching them online. I was nearing the end of my 6 month contract and had the option to extend it, but I decided that instead of moving to another small label and setting them up, I would go ahead and set up my own brand up.
I was working on a very low budget and did pretty much everything myself, I remember finishing a 10 hour day at work and heading home to work all night on building and designing the website and working all weekends. It was hard working but it's starting to pay off, although it's stressful at times, I do really enjoy working for myself.

What can we expect in the future of Sugar + Style?
We're working hard on the new AW13 collection and it is going to be our best one so far (in my opinion!). We're also looking into hosting a number of pop up shops around the UK and running a few blogger collaborations...

Where can we get our hands on Sugar + Style?
You can find us online at www.sugarandstyle.co.uk or at our East London based Pop Up shop every Thurs-Sun. The address is 156 Brick Lane, London, E1 6RU

We totally suggest you check out Sugar + Style, even hop down to London to the Pop Up Store. We're definitely keeping our eyes open for there AW13 collection which we hope will be coming very very soon!

What is your favourite Sugar + Style item?

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